PF Series is a Non-Phthalates type plastisol inks, providing full ranges of ready to print opaque colors, process colors and special effect inks…...
NF Series is a conventional plastisol inks with PVC & PHTHALATES, providing full range of ready to print opaque colors, process colors and special effect inks…......
NP Series is purely eco friendly product, a Non-PVC and Non-Phthalates plastisol inks. Offering a variety of ready to print opaque colors, process colors and special effect inks….....
Along with plastisol inks, a few more additives enhance different intended purposes such as softness, extender, thickener, etc…...
A number of speical effects for plastisol inks, such as puff, shimmer, low bleed, jelly, anti-slippery, etc….